Route Map
Affectionately said to go from "nowhere to nowhere" the Heritage-listed Normanton to Croydon railway line has remained fully isolated from the Queensland Rail network, and the only line in Queensland still measured in miles.

Normanton: The railway station buildings were built in 1889.
Critters Camp (16-Mile): A frequent stop for tourist charters of the Gulflander, it was also once a fettlers’ camp.
Haydon Mail Stop (32-Mile): Today it is still a stopping point for the Gulflander to deliver the mail for surrounding cattle stations.
East Haydon (Timora) (38-Mile): Haydon Railway Station was the end of the line for a short period of time in 1889, when the line was being laid. Originally there was a station building, goods shed and a water tank.
Blackbull (56-Mile): The refreshment stop since 1890.
Timber Cutters (76-Mile): An abandoned timber camp for supplying hardwood for the steam locomotives.
Ellavale (80-Mile): Formerly known as “80 Miles 35 Chains Siding”. It was renamed to Ellavale after an adjacent cattle property in the 1980s.
Croydon (94-Mile): The Croydon Railway Station was originally built in 1891 when the line reached here. The station building was blown down by two severe storms in 1969. The present station was opened in 2005 and represents a modern interpretation of the original.